the skin tightening + fat remodeling game changer
targeted treatment areas
abdomen skin tighening
stubborn belly fat
flanks + love handles
bra fat
fatty upper pubic area
banana roll
inner + outer thighs
post-surgical scars
stretch marks

why we love it!
target specific hard-to-reach areas
lift and tighten loose skin
rebuild collagen for firmer skin
remodel fat + body contour
reduce fine lines and wrinkles on crepe skin
improve skin texture for smoother skin
minimize post surgical scarring
fade stretch marks
you can treat almost any part of the body
the details
anesthesia: 60 minutes of topical numbing, pronox gas as needed
treatment time: 20-30 minutes depending on the area
social down time: 1-2 days
how many do I need: 3 to 6 depending on the starting point and desired results
price:$650 to $1700 per area
how long does it last: 1 year and longer
maintenance: annually or as needed

treatment areas
The full abdomen can be treated to help tighten any loose skin, whether from post-pregnancy or weight loss. The results are a game changer, Morpheus 8 is the best way to tighten loose skin non-surgically with minimal downtime. You can do this for the full abdomen or break it into upper or lower abdomen if you have a specific target area.
Even after all the diet and exercise, we can still have residual pockets or stubborn areas of fat that just won't go away. Morpheus can help target these problem areas, whether it’s central belly fat, love handles or upper abdomen / low bra fat.
These areas are very hard to reach, even after a tummy tuck there can still be loose skin or a pocket of fat. Morpheus8 is the best option to target this area tightening loose skin and targeting fat to smooth and tighten the skin.
Morpheus8 increases the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. In addition to increased collagen production, Morpheus8 also promotes your body’s ability to retain moisture better than before. This means that even though you may be getting older, your skin will still be able to hold on to its natural oils more effectively than before. And since having more hydrated skin can make you look younger and healthier (who wouldn't want that?), this aspect of Morpheus8 is one that many people have come to love.
* Natural-looking skin tightening and lifting with minimal downtime
* Ability to address areas that do not have robust surgical options such as knees, hands and upper abdomen
* Skin rejuvenation and improved elasticity, which can lead to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
* Increased collagen production, which can help smooth and tighten your skin
* Improved skin hydration, which can lead to a decrease in dryness and flakiness
* And increased blood flow, which can help improve the appearance of scars (acne, liposuction, surgical, etc)
With the revival of low-rise jeans comes the return of noticing love handles, as they are no longer safely tucked into highrise pants. And that’s where Morpheus8 steps in to help. Flanks, or love handles as they are also known, can be remodeled with Morpheus8 to help create realistic results where loose skin rejuvenates and a tighter, firmer side body is possible. While this is not liposuction and takes several treatments, Morpheus8 will definitely help tighten skin post lipo and help with fat pockets that may remain after lipo.
Morpheus8 can melt fat and tighten skin in the “bra bulge” area between your breast and armpit getting you ready for swimsuit season, tank tops, and workout attire. Sometimes, no matter how hard we work out, this remains a trouble spot for so many of us!!Morpheus8 has the the deepest microneedling on the market and the heat on the gold-coated ends heats adipose tissue to dissolve it. We recommend a series of 3 treatments for optimal results.
Where our body stores fat is based on our unique genetics. For some it is more on the inside, or the visceral fat. For others, it is on their thighs. Yet another place where we store extra fat is in the upper pubic area, affectionately known as the “FUPA.” A FUPA results in a more pronounced lower belly area that can affect anyone, even Beyonce! Having kids and a c- c-section scar can make the shelf of tissue in the FUPA more saggy. The skin and fat stretch during pregnancy. If that tissue does not snap back (which is pretty common), then we are left with a sagging area of skin and fat under the C-section scar. Morpheus8 has the deepest microneedling on the market and the heat on the gold-coated ends heats fatty tissue to dissolve it, it will also help reduce the appearance of any post-surgical scars or stretchmarks that are common to this area.
Warmer weather means you’ll be wearing more revealing clothing. This is no time to be showing off thighs with crepe. No matter your gender, you want your legs to look appropriately toned and shapely in shorts and swimwear. If aging, weight loss, or too much sun over the years has left you with a look you don’t love, thigh contouring with Morpheus8 radiofrequency microneedling may be all you need to achieve smoother, firmer skin on your thighs. Perhaps you’ve been putting off doing something about your thighs, thinking your only option is surgery, in some cases, this may be the best option, but Morpehus8 can definitely help improve the appearance even if it can’t resolve it completely.
- [x] Even if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you may struggle with stubborn “banana roll” fat. Banana roll fat accumulates below the buttocks region and tends to be caused by: genetics, lifestyle, metabolism, hormonal imbalance, and other factors. It affects people of all ages and sizes and can be a source of distress for many. Morpheus8 is a reliable skin tightening and resurfacing treatment that can be used to target banana roll fat and help create a sculpted and contoured appearance without surgery and with minimal downtime.
Morpheus8 is an amazing adjunct to help with post-surgical scarring by using fractional RF energy to target the deeper layers of your skin – which means it can stimulate collagen production and remodel fat. The innovative technology encourages the building blocks in the deep layers of your skin to reorganize themselves into a natural anti-aging process that tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.
For scarring this works to break down the fibrotic tissue and allow new cellular growth with a smooth more balanced texture, drastically improving the appearance of scars.
Morpheus8 can be used to treat nearly any type of surgical scarring including c-sections, tummy tucks, breast surgeries, appendectomies, liposuction, and even open heart surgery.
Stretch marks are atrophic scars that are formed due to the fact that the skin is stretched. They appear as stripes; their color scale at the same time varies from bluish to almost white. Stretch marks tend to appear on different parts of the body: on the chest, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and other areas of the skin. Women are more common, but it is not uncommon for men to face this problem. Morpheus8 can deliver amazing results at reducing the appearance of stretch marks through its combo of RF energy and microneedling increases collagen and elastin production and shrinks connective tissue to tighten and rejuvenate the treated area. For this area in particular we recommend the exosome addon to boost the collagen-building effects.

how much does it cost?
priced for each area, multiple areas can be done at the same time
extra large area $1700 (1) $4500(3)
full abdomen + flanks, full back + flanks, full thighs
large area $1200 (1) $3200 (3)
full abdomen, fuller back or flanks,
inner or outer thighs
medium area $950 (1) $2500 (3)
large post-surgical scars, bra fat, banana roll
upper abdomen, lower abdomen, FUPA
small area $650 (1) $1600 (3)
smaller post-surgical scars, stretch marks
credit card size area
morpheus 8 + exosomes add on $500 (1) $1200 (3)

about morpheus8
What are the Benefits of Morpheus8?
Morpheus 8 can lift and tighten the skin without incisions or surgery, it’s the perfect treatment if you are looking for gradual, scar-less skin correction and collagen building. As an advanced microneedling treatment, it penetrates deep into the skin and fat, rejuvenating aging facial features and providing the benefits of a facelift without the need for surgery.
The treatment is minimally invasive with little downtime. In addition, it consistently provides uniform results. RF microneedling keeps the skin intact and leaves hardly any scars and little to no thermal damage to the outer layer of the skin. The provider delivers the energy that stimulates rejuvenation to a customizable depth beneath your skin, where your body produces collagen and elastin – and target unwanted fatty areas. Customizing the depth means that Morpheus8 provides better skin contouring, tightening, and wrinkle reduction and a more comfortable experience for you.
What Does Morpheus8 Treat?
We can use it to target smaller areas such as your face and neck. Morpheus8 Body, on the other hand, was specifically designed for remodeling subdermal and dermal tissues in larger body zones like your arms and abdomen. Morpheus8 is particularly useful for the face. It provides revolutionary non-surgical microneedling that produces the skin tightening and lifting benefits of a facelift without incisions. We can also use Morpheus8 to remodel your facial fat tissue to create your desired smooth, sleek appearance. Depending on how deep your dermis is, Morpheus8 can preserve fat and tighten skin or remold the fat and improve the definition of your jaw line, jowls, and neck without losing the fullness you need to maintain your youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is also ideal for dark skin tones and safe on skin type VI with little risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
How Does Morpheus8 Work?
The technician places the device on your skin surface, applying energy between the needle and an external electrode. The combo of RF energy and microneedling increases collagen and elastin production, coagulates fat, and shrinks connective tissue to tighten and rejuvenate the treated area.
The device has dual handpieces:
Morpheus8 for smaller treatment areas.
Morpheus8 Body for larger areas and deeper tissue.
The dual technology handpieces deliver:
tissue ablation (destroys abnormal tissues) to promote skin renewal
collagen remodeling
subdermal adipose tissue (deeper, unwanted fat) remodeling
Morpheus8 delivers triple action for deep skin treatment:
coagulates fat
contracts connective tissue
heats sub-necrotic bulk (dead or devitalized tissue)
The length of the treatment can depend on the individual’s needs. Typically, you will only need 15 to 30 minutes to complete the process once you have sufficiently numbed.
Because there are some side effects, you might want to give yourself 2-3 days before going back to your regular schedule. Especially for your first time. Everyone's skin responds differently. We recommend booking your first session on a Thursday evening or Friday so that you can relax over the weekend and let your skin heal. By Monday, your skin should normalize, and you’ll be ready to resume your usual activities! Once you can gauge your recovery you can plan accordingly. Most patients are fine to go back to work the following day with some redness.
We have really strong numbing cream. Morpheus8 can be painful, especially with the deeper penetration of needles over areas of bone like the forehead. The needles used are very sharp and fine, allowing the benefit of puncturing your skin without the feeling of any tugging or pulling.
However we have had really great patient experiences with our numbing cream. We will use a topical cream applied to the treatment area for at least 60 minutes. When the procedure begins, you will feel a stamping sensation, most of our patients say it’s anywhere from a 1-4 out of town. They typically say lip filler hurts way more.
Post-treatment, you may see a bit of pinpoint bleeding from the needles. This should only last for a few minutes. Your skin will be red and feel hot like it is a bit sunburned for up to one week. Swelling around the treated areas is also a minor concern but should be resolved within a day or two. A good moisturizer and a broad-spectrum sunscreen are recommended.
Sometimes patients can experience swelling on the neck that can last about a week making the tissue look worse than before. Keep your skin moisturized and take Advil to help the inflammation. If you have any questions post treatment, please feel free to text us.
The results of your treatment and when you’ll see them are dependent on the area being treated and whether your treatment was performed via microneedling or filler. You can expect to see results of mostmorpheus8 treatments approximately 2-3 weeks following your treatment and a notable difference around the 4-6 week mark. Your skin will continue to improve over the weeks and months following your treatment.
Because morpheus8 treatments stimulate your body into producing collagen, and elastin, as well as new skin cell and tissue growth, you need to give your body time to produce all of these great regenerative elements.
Although Morpheus8 results are permanent, your skin will benefit from a maintenance session every 6 to 12 months. The average treatment includes between three and six sessions; the number of sessions is determined by what you’re trying to correct and your skin type. This is because collagen and elastin fibers become thinner and looser as you age, causing your skin to lose elasticity naturally and become more prone to wrinkles and sagging over time. With annual treatments, you’ll continue stimulating collagen production and keep your skin smoother and more supple.
Depending on your degree of laxity or the desired results you may want to start with 6 sessions to "on-board" your skin, and then transition into annual maintenance mode.
Each patient achieves noticeable skin improvements and enhancements such as reduced signs of aging and skin laxity. As with any cosmetic treatment, results may vary per patient. RF Microneedling is a technique-sensitive treatment. Patients who receive optimal skin rejuvenation select reputable professionals for their treatments. The more knowledgeable your provider, the better your skin rejuvenation and tightening.
We recommend a series of at least three to six treatments about four to six weeks apart to see the best results.
Morpheus8 treatment provides maximum results with minimal side effects. Because of the nature of the treatment, patients may experience some redness, mild bruising, pinpoint bleeding, and swelling in the first 24 hours. Some patients have reported getting bumps or grid marks on their skin. Most side effects will resolve within 24 to 72 hours following treatment. During the healing process, it’s important to follow our aftercare guidelines to prevent skin damage and scarring. There are certain things we recommend that will help ensure a smooth recovery process.
You should not get morpheus8 if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have low platelets, if you have an active infection in the treatment area, certain skin diseases, a metastatic disease, or any blood or bleeding disorders. Patients on “anti-clotting” medications (like Aspirin and other blood thinners) or who have certain autoimmune disorders are not good candidates for platelet-rich plasma or platelet-rich fibrin treatments.
You are not a candiate if you are currently on Accutane or have been in the last 6 months.
This is the fun part! After being treated with Morpheus8, your skin will be refreshed, revitalized, and enhanced. Over the course of several weeks, new layers of collagen will begin to plump and volumize depleted skin contours, firming up your complexion so it appears more youthful and smooth. The skin’s overall tone and texture will be superior to that which you began treatment with and a subtle lift with minimized skin laxity will begin to appear. It’s recommended that you undergo a series of at least 3 to 6 treatments with Morpheus8 to experience full, comprehensive benefits.

everything you need to know
before you schedule
Avoid treatments that may cause skin irritation to the treatment area in advance of your treatment (ex dermabrasion, or deep chemical peeling within the last 3 months, light, laser, or radiofrequency within the last 2-3 weeks for nonablative procedures (ex IPL, hair removal, Moxi, Fraxel, etc) and 6-12 weeks for ablative fractional laser resurfacing (ex. CO2, Erbium, Yag, etc) and Isotretinoin (Accutane) 6 months prior to treatment.
Avoid sun excessive exposure before the treatment. Excessive tanning of any sort (laying out, tanning beds, and artificial tanning lotions) in the treated areas during the entire course of the treatment can affect your results.
Avoid Botox 1 week before and after treatment. Facial fillers < 3 months old may slightly dissolve (10-15%) with treatment and may need to be replaced after the treatment schedule is completed. Lip filler is generally not affected.
Report any facial surgery in the last year.
one week before treatment
Stop taking NSAID medicines such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen since they interfere with normal blood clotting. Check medication labels for the active ingredient.
You may take Acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed for pain not to exceed 2500 mg a day.
Discontinue any irritant type of topical products or treatment products such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula), scrubs, or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare.
No prolonged sun exposure to the area being treated. Sunburned skin cannot be treated with Morpheus8.
Shave any hair-bearing body surfaces the day prior to treatment.
day of treatment
Shower as usual.
Do not apply any lotion, powder, oils, or other products to treatment areas.
Cleanse the area and do not apply make-up if you plan to treat the face/neck area. Wear accessible clothing for the area being treated. If treating the body, wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.
If you have long hair, bring a hairband to pull it back.
what to expect during your treatment
Your appointment will last at least 90 minutes.
When you arrive, you will review and sign your consent forms.
You will be taken to an exam room and have photographs taken.
We will clean your skin and apply a topical anesthetic to the treated area.
You will need to let the numbing cream sit for 45-60 minutes (We use a potent numbing cream, but it takes time to work). We encourage you to bring something to keep yourself occupied while the numbing cream works. Bring a book, a magazine, a computer, or headphones to use while you wait. We can provide you with a wi-fi connection if needed. Feel free to bring earbuds to wear during your procedure if noise and people talking make you anxious or nervous.
Once you are numb, your treatment will begin.
what to expect after your treatment
Immediately after your treatment, you will look and feel like you have a moderate sunburn
Skin may feel warm and tighter than usual
Your skin may feel itchy due to response to treatment
Typical downtime is 1 to 6 days and depends on used energy and treatment depth for the face and neck and up to 2 weeks for the body
Redness and swelling may last for 3-4 days
Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days after treatment
Length of downtime will be longer for superficial treatment and higher energy levels.
Note: some patients hardly show any skin surface response despite future good results.
A member of our team will check in 2-3 days after the treatment to ensure a safe healing process. If you have any concerns please reach out to us. Remember, results will not be immediate, it takes 30 days to complete the collagen-building process.
how to care for your skin after treatment
day of treatment
Avoid heat (sun, sweat, hot shower, etc.)
Treat area like a wound- do not apply any products unless recommended by Collagen Project, and keep the area clean (avoid excessive touching, contact with pets, etc)
Start vitamin C 1000mg and continue throughout the Morpheus8 treatment
day 1-3 after treatment
CLEAN: Use a soothing cleanser or face wash with lukewarm water to cleanse the face and gently pat dry the treated skin until it heals. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area. Avoid any scrubs or exfoliants.
HYDRATE: Use a gentle moisturizer or healing ointment on the treatment area until the skin heals.
MAKEUP: Can be applied 48 hours after the treatment. Clean makeup brushes prior to use.
PROTECT: At 48 hours after the procedure, you should apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF30, AT ALL TIMES when you will be outside. Remember, excessive tanning of any sort (sun exposure, tanning beds, and artificial tanning lotions) is not allowed in the treated areas during the entire course of the treatment.
notes about recovery
Extra swelling: Some patients may have areas of extra swelling over thinner-skinned areas like the neck. This can sometimes make the skin look worse than when you started. This is temporary and should be cared for with Aquaphor and Advil.
Waffle grid or skin texture: Some patients will see a grid pattern or feel texture. This will self-resolve but you can speed up the process by using a moisturizer with glycolic acid like Obagi Exfoderm Forte.
treatment cycle + maintenance
one cycle is recommended to start with 3 sessions 3 - 4 weeks apart.
your results will last one year or longer
if you have particularly problematic spots you may opt to “on-board” your skin with 6 sessions before switching into annual maintenance mode.
You will notice immediate as well as longer-term improvements in your skin. The time for skin cell turnover is 28 days so most people will begin to see increased results after this time.