Getting the VI Peel Treatment in Miami

When you think of Collagen Project, chances are you think of it as the best place for Morpheus8 and Exosomes in South Florida. But did you know we also offer VI Peel Treatments at Collagen Project in Miami Beach. Collagen Project is, after all, the place for bringing new life to your skin. VI Peel is a chemical peel that penetrates the top layer of skin and reaches down into the underneath dermis. It exfoliates your skin, stimulates new protein production, improves skin texture, pigmentation and even treats the signs of aging. There are so many different skin concerns VI Peel treats. Here’s what Collagen Project has to offer and who it can help and why. 

VI Peel Original

So you’ve been thinking about getting a peel for some time now but you have your reservations. Stop worrying and start booking. For first-time corrective peel clients, consider VI Peel Original. This peel is focused on tone and texture. Using TCA, Phenol, Retinoc Acid, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin C, it’s recommended for ages 13 to 39 and up, as well as anyone who is showing early signs of aging. It’s also ideal for those looking to maintain their skin and ward off rough texture. If you live with sensitive skin and fear getting a peel, rest assured, this peel is for you. 

Vi Peel Advanced

Aging isn’t always kind to the skin. But it doesn’t mean you have to look like you’ve aged. If collagen stimulation is your goal to ward off the work of time, this is the peel for you. For those 40 and up, VI Peel Advanced is your go-to peel. It also uses TCA, Phenol, Retinoc Acid, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin C to ward off wrinkles, fine lines and loss of elasticity. Consider it your skincare secret.

VI Peel Precision Plus

If you’ve ever skipped out on sunscreen and you’re seeing the results of doing so and not loving it, we suggest VI Peel Precision Plus. In addition to the ingredients in the Original and Advanced, this peel also includes Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid. This peel is ideal for those with skin discolorations, ranging from UV-induced pigmentation, sun damage, melasma and post-inflammatory pigmentation. Spot-free skin is just a peel away. Seriously.

VI Peel Purify

Breakouts suck. There, we said it. But there is hope. The addition of Benzoyl Peroxide makes this peel perfect for anyone with active acne and oily skin. If you are prone to breakouts and oily and congested skin, help is here. Teens suffering from acne can also benefit from VI Peel Purify. 

VI Peel Purify

Sometimes the effects of life show in your skin. And as frustrating as that may be, there’s still a solution for your needs. VI Peel Purify stands out from others in the VI Peel menu because it includes precision plus, making it a must for anyone with acne and acne scarring. If you have excessive oil, acne with hyperpigmentation, scars from acne, acne from hormonal changes, even adult acne, VI Peel Purify can truly help. 

If you’re interested in the Collagen Project and what we have to offer to heal your skin, you can call (305) 450-1745 to schedule an appointment or book a consultation, and make sure to visit my website at collagenproject and follow on Instagram at collagenproject. I can’t wait to help you start producing collagen again and help you feel better in the skin you’re in. 

ViPeel collagen project Miami Beach

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